Saturday, August 14, 2010

Greek lessons

Alex and I have been in Philly for almost a month now, and we're amazed at how quickly it's flown by. We're approaching our third full week of Greek class. Class has been really intense, but it's also grown us a lot too. Our approach to our academic studies together now is slightly different than our approach as single undergrads. We're learning that we need to take time out of our schedule to work on our relationship and that if it means that we need to cut our studying a little short, that it's ok. In the past our tendency would have been to put in as much energy into learning the material as possible, but we're realizing that it's ok not to make straight A's and that grades are not what we worship. Not that we're not working hard still and putting in a lot of effort now :P. But it's ok to rest our bodies and our minds, and we shouldn't feel guilty if we're not studying 8 hours a day.

We've really been encouraged by the Westminster staff to keep our focus not on the accumulation of knowledge but to realize that the purpose of this time is to learn the skills to be able to know and love God more and to remember the Gospel and His death on the cross. I'm always very refreshed after the prayer time that starts every class. Even though I may have come in with insecurities or worries about not knowing the material, I am reminded of God's faithfulness and ability to provide the understanding that we need to master this material. Each day is another opportunity to trust God with something impossible, and each day He is our help. Every day He calms our hearts and reminds us of His infinite power and mercies through His death on the cross, and guards our hearts with the fact that in the cross we have everything.

Still have not found a church home, although we've visited several. You can pray that God will lead us to the church home he has prepared for us, and that we wouldn't rely on our own knowledge or understanding. Pray also that God would help us to prioritize what's really important in this stage of life and that we would be ok with saying no to things.

Praise God for things like google video chat and great pastors like PG who are willing to chat with us and give us wise counsel through this uncertain time. :) We miss ACC and Rock a lot, and have been thinking a lot about passages like 1 Thes 2:19 that express Paul's longing for the churches he ministered to.

19For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? 20For you are our glory and joy.

Paul loved the churches he ministered to, and you could see his joy in their spiritual growth. But he, like us, had to physically be away from them, but his heart was still with them. Now we get it. Now we understand.

On a more serious note, the hoagies and pizza here are really awesome! We also found a great italian market that sells $2 cannolis. Yumness.

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